Friday, August 10, 2012

PBI Arctic Ambassdors Campaign Action Cards has an interesting way of motivating members to post about their environmental good deeds. Everytime you post an action, you are rewarded with an “Action Card”.  There are multiple card decks from which you can earn Action Cards.  Each Action Card is essentially a virtual card with a picture and a short tidbit of information. 
The Just Fun Action Card (below), which is part of the PBI Arctic Ambassadors Campaign card deck, told me about polar bear body language.  Apparently, head wagging means that a bear wants to play and nose-to-nose greetings are considered a polite way for bears to ask another bear something…like can I share this food with you.  Clever things!

The Arctic King Action Card (below) tells me that the polar bear can be found in five nations: US, Canada, Russia, Greenland/Denmark, and Norway.  With a primary diet of ringed seals, adult males can weigh up to 1,200 pounds!

So does this incentive work?  In a way, it is almost like a game.  Although this might be geared more for children, but given that this website has raised thousands of dollars for Polar Bears International, I think is pretty cool.

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