Saturday, August 4, 2012

Every time you remember to recycle or to turn the lights off when you leave the room you are doing actions that save energy and resources.  These actions may seem small, but collectively they can make a big impact and now more than ever before.  A new social media site exists that I encourage everyone to check out. helps members keep track of all the actions they take such as  recycling, carpooling, reducing and reusing materials, etc. For every action you track, you can earn about 25 cents for an environmental charity.  At this moment a Polar Bear International (PBI) Arctic Ambassadors Summer Campaign is going on that is all about raising money for PBI.  Now through August 10th every action you take and track on the site raises funds, awareness, and strengthens a community of caring, forward-thinking individuals who are inspired to take action.  What are you waiting for?  :)  

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