Saturday, August 25, 2012

Polar Bears International Sustainability Alliance

A unique group of polar bear allies known as the PBI SustainabilityAlliance has been busy at work preparing to take on an incredible challenge.  This challenge is to be on the front-lines as shrinking sea ice creates situations where bears are hungry, injured, or landlocked.  The Alliance consists of zoo experts and biologists that are trained in rescue and rehabilitation for these animals. The aim of this group is to help the bears in the short term.

Here are a few things that the Alliance will be doing:
  • Networking with authorities in the polar bear nations to let them know help is available
  • Holding workshops and training sessions to help communities manage bear encounters
  • Preparing guidelines for rescue and rehab efforts
  • Gathering needed tools and equipment—from tranquilizer guns to transport cages
  • Lining up potential homes for rescued cubs
  • Assembling a boots-on-the-ground squad
The Sustainability Alliance is being supported by the Arctic Ambassador Centers located in North America and Europe and Australia.  The full list can be found here:  

One of the Arctic Ambassador Centers is the San Diego Zoo. Several members of the PBI Sustainability Alliance are also from the San Diego Zoo.   Check out a recent clip --

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Cincinnati Zoo Challenge! has just launched the Cincinnati Zoo Challenge campaign.  Running now through August 31st, the campaign funds polar bear research at the Cincinnati Zoo.  Contributors to the campaign are challenged to perform 21 actions in 21 days.

Out of curiosity I visited the website for the Cincinnati Zoo and discovered that scientists at this zoo, in collaboration with the those from the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, N.Y., have been able to perform the first ever artificial insemination of a captive polar bear.   Scientists at the zoo began looking into it back in 2008. However, as of March of this year, scientists were able to crack the code, which means a new baby polar bear cub is on its way!

Support the research!  Save the polar bears!  TakeAction!

Friday, August 10, 2012

PBI Arctic Ambassdors Campaign Action Cards has an interesting way of motivating members to post about their environmental good deeds. Everytime you post an action, you are rewarded with an “Action Card”.  There are multiple card decks from which you can earn Action Cards.  Each Action Card is essentially a virtual card with a picture and a short tidbit of information. 
The Just Fun Action Card (below), which is part of the PBI Arctic Ambassadors Campaign card deck, told me about polar bear body language.  Apparently, head wagging means that a bear wants to play and nose-to-nose greetings are considered a polite way for bears to ask another bear something…like can I share this food with you.  Clever things!

The Arctic King Action Card (below) tells me that the polar bear can be found in five nations: US, Canada, Russia, Greenland/Denmark, and Norway.  With a primary diet of ringed seals, adult males can weigh up to 1,200 pounds!

So does this incentive work?  In a way, it is almost like a game.  Although this might be geared more for children, but given that this website has raised thousands of dollars for Polar Bears International, I think is pretty cool.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Every time you remember to recycle or to turn the lights off when you leave the room you are doing actions that save energy and resources.  These actions may seem small, but collectively they can make a big impact and now more than ever before.  A new social media site exists that I encourage everyone to check out. helps members keep track of all the actions they take such as  recycling, carpooling, reducing and reusing materials, etc. For every action you track, you can earn about 25 cents for an environmental charity.  At this moment a Polar Bear International (PBI) Arctic Ambassadors Summer Campaign is going on that is all about raising money for PBI.  Now through August 10th every action you take and track on the site raises funds, awareness, and strengthens a community of caring, forward-thinking individuals who are inspired to take action.  What are you waiting for?  :)