Sunday, January 22, 2017

Saving the rain forests

Coolearth is one of my favorite organizations.  They have figured out how to support the preservation of 100's of thousands of acres of rain forest all over the world by partnering with indigenous communities that live in and alongside these forests. The organization accepts donations to fund their activities.  To date over 660,000 acres are being preserved.  While this is a tremendous accomplishment, I believe that overall WE need to do much MUCH better.  The rate of deforestation and extinction of plant and animal life is unprecedented.  Massive action is needed to tip the scales and give animals and their habitats a chance.

To increase the likelihood of success, I have the idea of using the Product Launch Formula that a marketing strategy developed and taught by Jeff Walker.  Now the challenge is put something in place. 

While I'm busy figuring this out, take a few moments to check out Coolearth and save some rain forest. 

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