Thursday, February 9, 2012

 What is it that captures us when we stare at a picture of these beautiful white beasts?  They seem so surreal and distant, yet our concern for them feels personal. It is as if by cherishing, protecting and honoring these creatures we see our ability to care for one another, the world and ourselves.  It feels as if we also connect to one another through our concern.   This concern seems to inspire us to push beyond what seems doable or likely.  I am afraid that given the current state of things, temperatures will continue to rise and these bears and the habitat they reside in will vanish, but I have a greater fear in doing nothing.  To do nothing would be to ignore this call to action, that if unanswered will also die within us.  I acknowledge that no matter how far-fetched or ridiculous it may be to envision a world which can support a growing and sustainable population of bears in a natural and protected habitat, we may find the way. I am currently exploring something called “The Last Ice Area”.  I also spent an hour or two tracking a polar bear in the Arctic a few days ago.

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