Saturday, December 24, 2016

Where have you been?

Where have I been for the past few years?  Alongside major life accomplishments like getting married, traveling the world, moving up the management ladder in my career, and giving birth to an amazing little boy, I spent a lot of time doubting that I could make a difference in this crazy world. I spent a lot of time thinking "Is anyone listening? Does anyone care?" and wondering whether anything I did was really enough to make even the smallest dent in the fortress of environmental destruction engulfing our 21st century existence that seems to magnify year after year.

But when you desire something from your soul, there's probably nothing that can fully conceal this forever.   By accident I recently uncovered a bit of this desire and felt again the inspiration to continue the journey.

In the final moments of the 24 Hour of Reality initiative  Vice President Al Gore called himself an optimist and he said that he believes in the saying that "things take longer to happen than you think they will and then they happen faster than you thought they ever could".

And this was exactly what I needed hear.  He also said something else. "Despair is just another form of denial." Despair and denial are beneath us all.